Behind the Lyrics: “I Won’t Let You Drive” by Jenny Colquitt

Pristine & personal storytelling

Hugh at ZephyrHillMusic
Plethora Of Pop


Image designed in Canva by the author. “I Won’t Let You Drive” cover image designed by Jenny Colquitt

Lyrics written by: Jenny Colquitt

If you are not aware of Jenny Colquitt, then this song is a perfect introduction to some stunning songs. She is a singer songwriter from the UK and has been compared to artists such as Eva Cassidy, Joni Mitchell, and KT Tunstall.

This track is taken from her 2024 album called ‘Staring at the Moon’. The first thing that hits you is the vocal. It’s pristine but personal, it beckons you into the story of the song. I found myself almost mesmerised by it, and lost in the world being painted.

So much happens in that first verse. This relationship is described as a hurricane, quick and furious, but also adding a twist that this new beginning is being formed in the eye of that storm. But this already feels unhealthy, the basis is being built on a need for love to escape from some unresolved pain.

In the Pre-Chorus the singer tells us of a note written and left, it expresses that she is frightened things are focused on this pain and it can’t stay that way.

The Chorus inspires the other in the relationship to move on, to focus on the positive, the singer always wanting the best for the other. The reference to the car and being a passenger in the relationship is powerful. Almost as if this other party cannot focus correctly, the relationship will inevitably crash. The imagery throughout is personal and vivid. It’s like a slow motion breakup movie.

I invite you to take this emotional journey, where you are willingly held captive by the perfect story telling.


I’m a songwriter & creative collaborator who loves writing strong songs with fantastic singers.

I also provide Creative Direction by working with artists, helping them identify creative themes, understand their signature strengths, and how to apply them to move towards their own unique creative destination.

If you are interested in any of those things, please head to my website for further information, and to contact me.



I’m a songwriter & creative collaborator who loves writing great songs with great singers.